
Oct 29, 2013

DOODLE - Furniture?

was doing some furniture proposal, but get bored in the middle of brain storming...
so i end up drawing this...hahhaha, 
and then... I'm all back to energetic mood!

more to come, I guess.

Oct 25, 2013

4 panel art - 1st

this is my first very 4 panel art I did long ago.
(click to view bigger)
I remember I draw this when I'm listening to some pastel music.


Oct 12, 2013

PILLOW : Packing is harrrddddd


Pillow went to travel this time!!!!

This time I'm gonna do travel post, and it will be a very long post with lots of parts.
sorry for my ugly handwriting.. im sure it will get better!


YES, we do lots of research on the weather before we start packing our stuff.Nearly everyday i keep track on the weather (because my kakak is quite scared of the cold and my adik never been to cold country before, so she is very aware of what to bring ) 
We discuss nearly everyday and think what we wanted to bring and went to shopping to buy clothes just in case.

I bet everyone encounter this before...
I usually pack 1 or 2 weeks before my actual trip, because I will keep taking out my luggage and keep changing the stuff/clothes..etc etc until I am very satisfied.( i don't do last minute packing)
I don't know but.... packing is really hard for me :(

Oct 2, 2013

DOODLE : Secret Garden

Why secret garden?
well, there's secret hiding in the middle of garden.